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Blake Shelton responds to people claiming he is a lazy, deadbeat husband.

blake gwen christmas

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani got married in Oklahoma back in July. By all accounts, Gwen organized and planned everything and Blake was very happy to let her do her own thing. The wedding photos made everything look a lot nicer than I expected – Gwen’s Vera Wang dresses were pretty but not over-the-top. There was tons of food. Kids and dogs were included. Golf carts were utilized. Blake appeared on The Ellen Show this week and he’s still got that newlywed glow, honestly. I’m left with the impression that he’s happy as can be with Gwen, and he talked a lot about their wedding and how great it was:

On Gwen planning the wedding: “At one point, I was saying in an interview, ‘We’re letting Gwen do whatever she wants for the wedding.’ And then some writer wrote, ‘Well, oh, look, he’s already a lazy deadbeat husband.’ But the truth is: I am. What do I know about that stuff? Of course it was her and her vision. And all I had to do was drink and kiss Gwen Stefani, I mean, my God. The greatest gig I’ve ever had.”

Their wedding had less than 20 guests. “That’s exactly what it needed to be.”

He’s been buying her lots of Christmas gifts: He said he tells her not to get him anything, but there ends up being “a pile of crap this tall” of gifts. “Literally today I got on the phone with the internet company because they thought there was credit card fraud because I kept going back to this website buying her more stuff. I’m getting her a bunch of stuff. I don’t know that she’s going to like any of it but it’s going to look good in the wrapping paper, you know?”

Gwen’s wedding vows: “The thing that got to me was she spoke about my [late] brother and my dad as if she had known them almost. She didn’t make it seem that way, but it felt that way as she was speaking about them. She said she wished they were there and what kind of men she thinks they must’ve been. Man, it hit me. Like, I couldn’t believe how hard it hit me. I felt like at this point, I’ve kind of gotten calloused. I guess I’m not because that absolutely slayed me. It’s hard to even remember what else she even said. I’ll never forget that feeling.”

[From People]

The quote about Gwen’s vows is actually from a People interview he did about a month ago, I just hadn’t seen that quote before now, that’s why I included it. If you watch the video (below), you can see how happy Blake seems. He really adores Gwen and he seems so proud of her and being married to her.

He also jokes about not inviting his work-wife, Adam Levine, to his wedding because Adam told Ellen that he doesn’t support Gwen and Blake’s marriage, because Gwen is cool and Blake isn’t.

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blake gwen wedding kids

Photos courtesy of Gwen’s Instagram, cover courtesy of People.

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By: Kaiser
Title: Blake Shelton on people saying he’s a lazy deadbeat husband: ‘The truth is, I am’
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/744662/blake_shelton_on_people_saying_hes_a_lazy_deadbeat_husband_the_truth_is_i_am/
Published Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2021 12:10:32 +0000

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