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Emilio Estevez was fired from Mighty Ducks, but he claims that he isn't anti-vaxx.

When I saw tweets about the Sheen boys being such a disappointment over the weekend, I was tempted not to click on why Emilio Estevez was trending. The jury’s still out on what’s going on with him, though. It was announced last Friday that Disney would not pick up Emilio’s option for season two of The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers. They were going to write out his character, Coach Gordon Bombay. The reason given was that Emilio refused to comply with the studio’s mandatory vaccination policy after weeks of negotiations. This was the exclusive report from Deadline:

The Mighty Ducks franchise will continue without Gordon Bombay. Emilio Estevez, who reprised his role from the 1992 movie and its 1994 and 1996 sequels in Season 1 of The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, will not be back for the Disney+ series’ upcoming second season, I have learned.

I hear Disney Television Studios’ ABC Signature, which produces the hockey-themed sequel series, made the decision not to pick up Estevez’s option for Season 2 after weeks of back and forth with his team over the show’s Covid vaccination requirement. Reps for the studio and Estevez declined comment.

According to sources, Estevez, through his reps, has declined to provide assurances that he would comply with the policy. With the two sides at an impasse as the Season 2 scripts were being written and the planned early 2022 start of production was looming, I hear the studio made the call to not exercise the actor’s option and the scripts will be adjusted to continue the story without the character.

Meanwhile, sources close to Estevez indicate that creative differences may have played a role in his exit.

[From Deadline]

So Disney is saying outright the decision is because Emilio would not comply with the mandate. Supposedly Emilio and his reps weren’t commenting but someone dispatched those sources to say it was creative differences instead. With Emilio’s refusal to show proof of vaccination and his little brother Charlie Sheen’s history as a vocal anti-vaxxer in the past, we all jumped to the same conclusion, that Emilio was anti-vaxx and willing to walk away from Mouse Money over it.

But Emilio finally spoke out after enough people called him a Covidiot. He claims his departure was solely over creative disputes and that he is absolutely not anti-vaxx. He also disclosed he’d suffered from long haul Covid in February 2020.

The 59-year-old Outsiders star told Deadline on Monday, November 8, that his decision was “nothing more than a good old fashioned contract dispute” and “a myriad of creative differences,” while also noting that he previously contracted COVID-19 last year.

“I am not anti-vaxx. Full stop,” Estevez said in his lengthy statement. “I take this pandemic very seriously, and I am often teased about my continued following of the safety protocols and my abundance of caution. … While I can’t speak for anyone else in regards to this polarizing, sensitive issue, I have my own lived experience.”

[From Us Magazine]

Emilio went on to detail feeling ill, getting tested for Covid, trying to protect everyone after he got it and regretting his decision not to go public with his diagnosis for the sake of the series. He did not, in any part of his statement, say he’d been vaccinated or that he was willing to show proof. He added to his statement that,”his departure was due to being “anti-bully,” not anti-vaccine.” It all just sounds so cagey. Maybe Emilio and Aaron Rodgers can spend their off-time to co-author the book “How to Dance Around the Vaccine Question Until it Comes for Your Job.”



Photo credit: Avalon Red


By: Hecate
Title: Emilio Estevez got fired from the Mighty Ducks series, claims he’s not anti-vaxx
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/740821/emilio_estevez_got_fired_from_the_mighty_ducks_series_claims_hes_not_anti-vaxx_/
Published Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2021 12:35:09 +0000

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