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Mila Kunis: My daughter was told by my parents to push the kid back.


Mila Kunis recorded something called Mom Confessions for The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Tuesday. I’m not familiar with this new bit of Ellen’s but it’s cute. The person is asked a series of questions about parenting moments. The one that’s getting the most play from Mila’s segment is her answer to “What was your biggest parenting fail.” The reason is because Mila admitted that she told her daughter Wyatt to push a kid. In Mila’s defense, Wyatt had been pushed first. However, Wyatt’s dad, Ashton Kutcher, disagreed with Mila’s “advice,” as would pretty much every school district in California.

“Well, here’s a story that’s about to get me in trouble,” Mila Kunis said during The Ellen DeGeneres Show’s “Mom Confessions” segment posted to YouTube on Tuesday. The prompt was “What’s your biggest parenting fail?”, and Mila, 38, began to spin a tale involving her and Ashton Kutcher’s 7-year-old daughter, Wyatt. “There was a little kid in my kids’ preschool that wasn’t very kind and pushed my daughter. My daughter came back, and she was like, ‘Such-and-such little kiddo pushed me.’ And I instinctively said, ‘did you push her back?’ And my daughter’s like, ‘No!’ And I was like, ‘Push her back next time. Push her back and say, no thank you, and you walk away.’”

“And I turn around,” continued Mila, “and I see Ashton’s face and he’s like, ‘NOOOOO.’ But, I was like, ‘you stand up for yourself, and you say NO THANK YOU.’” Mila did clarify that she told Wyatt not to push anyone “off of a ladder or off a swing or off of a slide, but on the ground, even-steven? You push them back.’ I’d say that that’s a parenting fail.”

[From Hollywood Life]

You can’t push a kid, you just can’t. You’ll get in trouble. Having said that, I can tell you the Hecate household would be divided on this as well. I think Mr. H would side with Mila. And I back a lot of what she said too. I love the “No thank you!” and walking away part. How bad@$$ would Wyatt look doing that? But she’d get dinged if she laid hands on the kid. And then there’s the whole thing about self-regulation so she doesn’t push the kid so hard he cracks his head on the asphalt. I agree Mila’s is probably not the best answer, but it’s not as bad as the soundbites are making it out to be.

A couple of times in the segment, Mila said she was unable to lie to her kids because she has two. I never quite worked out how the number affected her ability to lie. It certainly didn’t affect mine. I’m still finding out lies I forgot to correct from their childhood. I’d forgotten I told my kids it was illegal to get married in California without a college diploma. I don’t mind that they believed that into high school, but they were angry it was their college counselor that corrected them. And I’m not saying you should lie, just that you can. Even if they are two. Or, you can be totally honest like Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard and tell your toddlers that Santa Claus is fake. Merry Effing Christmas, babies!

Here’s the full clip of Mila’s Mom Confessions. The Parenting Fail is the first question:


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Photo credit: YouTube, Avalon Red and Getty Images


By: Hecate
Title: Mila Kunis: It was a parenting fail to tell my daughter to push a kid back
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/738026/mila_kunis_it_was_a_parenting_fail_to_tell_my_daughter_to_push_a_kid_back/
Published Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 11:15:30 +0000

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