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Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Katie Nicholl, Vanity Fair's senior editor, returned this week with an exclusive report on Prince Harry’s court appearances for his case against Mirror Group Newspapers. Nicholl's sources are few in the Sussexes camp. But she has proven that she has reliable sources at Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace. The VF Exclusive is interesting because the quotes Nicholl has about Harry's brave campaign to reform the British media are basically repurposed versions of what Harry himself has said. It's interesting to note that Prince William and King Charles are watching Harry's lawsuits closely and they seem frightened. Highlights:

Harry's goal: According to an insider, Harry believes that his lawsuit "is not about seeking public apologies or payouts, but is about changing the way tabloid presses operate ....Harry won't stop until he achieves what he wants. He is convinced that he was hacked, and he has good reason to think so. The Mirror has admitted that it has hacked phones in the past. "In his mind, everything is connected to hacking phones."

Charles & William's feelings: King Charles and Prince William are both said to have been wary of Harry giving evidence due to the high-profile case and the nature of the questions. Harry's father may have previously told him to avoid the tabloids, but Harry wanted his day in court.

Another factor that is dividing Harry and his family is the fact that he pursued this case. One source stated that the family believed this was not going to be a happy ending.

Harry did not see his brother or father: Harry's relationship is strained with his brother and father, and he didn't get to meet them on his brief trip to the UK. Harry is expected leave for California on Wednesday evening.

Harry's trash family is at risk of embarrassment as information about family members has been disclosed in Harry’s case against News Group Newspapers. In court documents filed in April, it was revealed that Prince William had accepted a "very large sum of cash" - estimated to be around 1 million British Pounds - from Rupert Murdoch’s NGN as a result of being a victim of hacking.

It was worth it: Harry appeared to be exasperated at times and overwhelmed by the hours-long questioning. But sources close to Harry claim that it's all worth it for the prince who has made it his mission in life to change the media landscape. He admitted on Wednesday that he would be taking legal action to "stop the abuse, intrusion and hatred that was coming to me and my spouse." A day before, Harry had singled out journalist and TV presenter Piers Morgan for a barrage abuse and harassment. A second source close to Harry says that he is "a man on mission" and wants to see changes.

[From Vanity Fair]

At this point, everything is a threat to me. It feels as if the Windsors and British media are also on the same page: they WANT Prince Harry to suffer actual harm, they WANT the situation to "not end very well" for Harry. They also want Harry's numerous lawsuits to fail, as in, they want Harry to loose all his lawsuits. William and Charles are happy to keep the arrangement they have with the media. They are happy with the status quo. They like the status quo. All of them believe that by repeating a certain thing repeatedly - "Harry's wrong, Harry's miserable, Harry wants to return" - it will eventually become true.

Avalon Red Cover Images provided the photos.

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry

Nicholl: Windsors think 'this will not end well' for Prince Harry