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Palace officials fear that Duchess Meghan's bullying review is being slowed down by palace aides

The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Birkenhead

It cannot be overstated: Kensington Palace is Clownsington Palace. They are a complete and utter clownshow. I would place the blame on the lack of professionalism of the senior aides, but really, we have to blame Prince William and Kate. They’re the ones hiring these terrible people. So, Jason Knauf, the Cambridges and the KP staff had a big idea back in 2018: they began a campaign to defame, demean, smear and bully the Duchess of Sussex out of the country and out of her marriage. Part of the campaign was that every single person at KP freaked out whenever Meghan said anything to them. If Meghan asked for the time, aides would collapse into a tearful pile, knowing that Meghan was undermining their confidence. So began the long-con, the fail-safe smear against Meghan, which was boldly revealed just before the Sussexes’ Oprah interview this year: staffers complained that Meghan was a – gasp – bully.

It was one of the most obvious oppo dumps I’ve ever seen, and it came straight from Kensington Palace. Buckingham Palace compounded KP’s attempted character assassination by saying that they would open up an investigation into KP staffers’ claims, nevermind that those staffers already rescinded the claims. Post-Oprah interview, BP tried to get this catastrophe off their plate. They hired a law firm to conduct the review, and Meghan’s lawyer has been in touch with BP, “demanding to see any documents, emails or text messages relating to the bullying complaint against her.” What was originally supposed to be a three-month review has been going on for nine months, and sources have said we won’t hear anything until 2022. Now Becky English at the Daily Mail has some interesting news: “aides” are worried that the review is being half-assed and slow-walked?

A Buckingham Palace inquiry into allegations the Duchess of Sussex bullied staff has so far only interviewed ‘a tiny handful’ of people who worked for her. The revelation has prompted fears that the investigation, set up nine months ago, is being ‘kicked into the long grass’.

Palace aides announced in March that they were launching an internal inquiry into claims Meghan’s behaviour drove two personal assistants out of the household and ‘undermined the confidence’ of a third. Staff were said to have been left in tears and feeling ‘traumatised’.

The royal household subsequently employed a third-party law firm to probe the claims, paid for by the family privately, in a move that some predicted could increase tensions between Harry and Meghan and ‘the institution’. The allegations are strongly denied by the duchess, whose lawyers described them at the time as a ‘calculated smear campaign’.

But the Daily Mail has now established that only a small number of royal employees – both past and present – have actually been spoken to. These are likely to include the two PAs, another staff member and possibly Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, who was then working as Prince William’s private secretary.

The Sussexes would, on average, have had around 15 employees working for them at any one time – with up to 25 over the course of Meghan’s brief time in the Royal Family between 2017 and 2020. But there is such a wall of silence around the entire probe, on the orders of the Queen’s ultra-cautious private secretary Sir Edward Young, that no one within the household has been told whether it is even still ongoing.

Part of the problem is that the Palace has never before had to deal with an official bullying complaint against a member of the royal family – effectively an employer – and so has no precedent on which to act. And with such a narrow scope of inquiry, sources ask what the investigation will actually achieve.

One told the Mail: ‘I think they [the Palace] are slightly caught between a rock and a hard place on this…There are obviously serious questions to be asked as to how the original complaints about bullying made against the duchess were handled internally. From what anyone hears, interviews have only taken place with a handful of people. It’s been far from comprehensive.’

[From The Daily Mail]

First of all, it’s not on Buckingham Palace’s plate anymore, so I have no idea what these quotes are even about. Do the Kensington Palace clowns understand that the law firm is acting as a third-party so as to NOT get BP mixed up in the clownery? As for “only” interviewing a handful of people… Jason Knauf contacted Simon Case about three people who felt bullied by Meghan. I assume the law firm has spoken to those three people, even though those people rescinded their accusations before Knauf even leaked the story to the Times in March.

Anyway, the endgame: Buckingham Palace is trying to think of a way out of this which: A) doesn’t involve Meghan publicly calling out their lies and racism and B) doesn’t make William, Kate and Jason Knauf look like vindictive little morons. The fact that, in all of these years we’ve been hearing all of the hysteria about how Meghan treated staffers, we’ve never gotten any specifics is all you need to know about the crux of the review problem. If they had a good story of Meghan telling someone off or yelling at someone for incompetence, we truly would have heard that story by now.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, NYT, Backgrid.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend the gala performance of The Wider Earth

The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Birkenhead

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By: Kaiser
Title: Palace aides fear the review of Duchess Meghan’s ‘bullying’ is being slow-walked
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/745263/palace_aides_fear_the_review_of_duchess_meghans_bullying_is_being_slow-walked/
Published Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 12:25:37 +0000

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