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Prince Harry surprised everyone at the GQ Men of the Year Awards.

Britney Spears announces her new Las Vegas residency

Last night, the British GQ Men of the Year Awards were held in London. Surprising everyone, Prince Harry made a virtual appearance at the awards ceremony. He appeared via video link-up, live from Montecito, wearing a tuxedo. He made a speech and introduced the GQ Heroes of the Year: the team of doctors and scientists who created the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. Here’s the transcript of Harry’s full speech:

I’m deeply honoured to be introducing our final awardees, who you’ll immediately recognise for their landmark contribution to the fight against COVID-19. Our heroes of this evening are Professor Sarah Gilbert, Doctor Catherine Green, and the entire team of dedicated Oxford scientists. Their breakthrough research on the Oxford Vaccine has brought the world one of our greatest tools for achieving vaccine equity.

They also approached their mission with a humanitarian urgency. In April of last year, the Oxford Team packed up a shipment of research cultures and stealthily sent it to India—an early example of the biotech collaboration we need to bring this global crisis to an end.

Until every community can access the vaccine, and until every community is connected to trustworthy information about the vaccine, then we are all at risk. That’s a common refrain my wife and I have heard in convenings with vaccine experts, heads of industry, community advocates, and global leaders.

As people sit in the room with you tonight, more than a third of the global population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. That’s more than five billion shots given around the world so far. It sounds like a major accomplishment, and in many ways is. But there is a huge disparity between who can and cannot access the vaccine. Less than two percent of people in the developing world have received a single dose at this point, and many of their healthcare workers are still not even vaccinated. We cannot move forward together unless we address this imbalance as one.

At the same time, families around the world are being overwhelmed by mass-scale misinformation across ‘news’ media and social media, where those who peddle in lies and fear are creating vaccine hesitancy, which in turn is dividing communities and eroding trust. This is a system we need to break if we are to overcome COVID-19 and the rise of new variants.

The Oxford Team have done their part. They are heroes of the highest order who gave us an instrument to fight this disease. They are our nation’s pride, and we are deeply indebted to their service. For the rest of us—including global governments, pharmaceutical leaders, and heads of business—we have to keep doing our part. That must include sharing vaccine science and supporting and empowering developing countries with more flexibility. Where you’re born should not affect your ability to survive, when the drugs and know-how exist to keep you alive and well.

Thank you, again, to Professor Gilbert and Doctor Green, who The Guardian called “Two ordinary people who managed to pull off an extraordinary feat while dealing with the everyday stresses that come with being full-time mums and breadwinners in a notoriously insecure and poorly paid field.” But tonight, we’re not honouring two ordinary people. These are two exceptional people—with a remarkable team—who are a bulwark of humanity.

[From British GQ]

Love that he talked about vaccine misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. I understand why he’s framing the issue that way, but I think more people – and Harry, if he wants to – need to start calling out the willful stupidity of so many of the vaccine hesitant and the anti-vaxxers. It’s not just ignorance based on misinformation. So many people have access to vaccines and the right information and they’re just choosing to be f–king dumbasses.

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Screencaps courtesy of the Telegraph video and British GQ.

Britney Spears announces her new Las Vegas residency

Britney Spears announces her new Las Vegas residency


By: Kaiser
Title: Prince Harry made a surprise appearance at the GQ Men of the Year Awards
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/730996/prince_harry_made_a_surprise_appearance_at_the_gq_men_of_the_year_awards/
Published Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2021 11:25:45 +0000

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