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Queen Elizabeth had a ‘phone call’ with Boris Johnson last night (update)

The announcement about Queen Elizabeth’s Covid diagnosis came out on Sunday, and she ended up canceling her virtual schedule on Monday and Tuesday, much to the chagrin of the palace aides who had already briefed the media about how the brave 95-year-old Covid-afflicted woman was going to work through her illness. The Queen was reportedly symptomatic and was experiencing “mild cold” symptoms, which… for a 95-year-old, that could still be pretty significant. But then on Wednesday, the Queen did a phone call with Boris Johnson, and she’s supposed to be doing “virtual events” today. Her aides are briefing the press that she’s continuing with her “light duties.”

The Queen is ‘getting over’ Covid and only has ‘very mild’ symptoms, sources say, as Buckingham Palace revealed she held her weekly telephone audience with the Prime Minister. The monarch, 95, who tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday, cancelled virtual audiences on Tuesday as she continued to suffer from mild cold-like symptoms. But her symptoms were said to have worn off by Wednesday evening and she was able to hold her regular phone conversation with Boris Johnson.

A source told the Sun: ‘She’s already getting over her Covid – it’s amazing to think she’s done it so quickly.’

On Wednesday, a Buckingham Palace spokesman said: ‘Her Majesty did speak to the Prime Minister this evening.’

The Queen’s advanced age, Covid diagnosis, frailer appearance and recent health scare mean her medical team will be keeping a close eye on her progress, but being well enough to speak to the Prime Minister will be taken as an encouraging sign.

[From The Daily Mail]

I mean, it is an encouraging sign, I suppose. I still think no one should underplay how rotten she likely feels. Remember several years ago when she “only” had a “heavy cold” over a Christmas holiday? That cold took her out of commission for weeks. Remarkable then that she’s recovered in a matter of days from the deadly Covid virus.

Meanwhile, People Magazine says that the Queen is depending more on Prince Charles and Prince William these days:

While the monarch, 95, continues to keep a busy schedule, she’s enlisted her son and grandson to carry out many of her royal duties — especially those that involve foreign travel. In addition, without her husband Prince Philip to consult with on matters, the Queen remains in regular contact with Prince Charles and Prince William, often by phone.

“They operate together — not as equals, because the Queen remains in charge — but William is a very active component in the way the monarchy protects itself,” says historian Robert Lacey tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story.

[From People]

Yeah, I have my doubts as to how much William is kept in all of the royal loops. I think Charles and the Queen operate as one, or rather, Charles is mostly in charge and the Queen acquiesces to whatever he wants at this point. I also believe that it’s more likely that Charles is the one briefing William on various situations and not the Queen.

Update: Whoops, it looks like Liz cancelled her virtual events today as well. Those courtiers have been consistently way too optimistic about a 95-year-old’s recovery from Covid. She has nothing scheduled for the rest of the week.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Buckingham Palace.










By: Kaiser
Title: Queen Elizabeth had a ‘phone call’ with Boris Johnson last night (update)
Sourced From: www.celebitchy.com/755532/queen_elizabeth_had_a_phone_call_with_boris_johnson_last_night_shell_work_today/
Published Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 13:05:52 +0000

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