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The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation has not yet received Prince Harry's American visa application. Harry's tax and legal status in America is not known to us, but we suspect that he is a resident alien who has married an American citizen, and pays taxes in America. I suspect he has already begun - or soon will begin - the application for his green card. Prince Harry has a lot access and I'm sure he is well-advised by immigration lawyers to help him navigate the American system. The Heritage Foundation relies on British readers who read "niche" British papers not understanding the complexity of American immigration. Heritage's lawsuit was designed to be a large set piece to attack Harry and convince British readers that Harry might "deport" from America. Next week, Heritage lawyers will appear in court to discuss how much they want Harry's visa.

Next week, the US government will be in court to answer questions about Prince Harry's visa after he revealed his drug use in a tell-all book. Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, has brought the case to court and is requesting the Duke of Sussex’s American visa application. The US government, despite an FOI request, has refused to release the application.

On Tuesday, June 6th, a federal judge will hear arguments by the Department of Homeland Security and the Heritage Foundation in Washington. The judge will decide whether or not to order officials to release the Duke’s immigration records. This is only the beginning of many hearings and motions to come. The written statement of Judge Carl J Nichols will be made at a future date. He was appointed by Donald Trump to the court.

Nile Gardiner of the Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation said the hearings were a "very important development".

He told The Telegraph that "it significantly raises stakes." "I believe that the Biden administration is blocking the Freedom of Information request. This issue will ultimately be decided by a federal court."

Heritage Foundation argues that it's in the public's interest to reveal what the Duke wrote on his application and any waiver he received, as well as the identity of the person who made the decision.

The American people deserve to know the answers to serious questions that the evidence raises. Did DHS look the other side, favor certain people, or fail appropriately to respond to Prince Harry's potential false statements? The think tank asked in a Tuesday statement.

Gardiner said to The Telegraph that it was in the American public's interest to know what exactly was on Prince Harry's application for immigration. If he had nothing to hide, he would support the release of records.

The Telegraph

Spoiler: It's not in public interest to release the visa application of a resident alien. Harry is not running to be elected into public office. Harry has not been charged with a criminal offense. Harry is not an American citizen who has purchased a TV station. This is the only situation where his visa application could be deemed "in the public interest". Simply stating that Harry is a British prince who lives in America with his wife and children and that he has written about his drug use in the past is not enough to support the argument. The Heritage Foundation's legal argument is also illogical, as they don't know and have no proof that Harry "lied". The Heritage Foundation's legal argument is nonsense - they have no idea and no evidence that Harry "lied" on the application.

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The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

The Heritage Foundation was given a hearing in court over Prince Harry’s visa application

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