Jeremy Clarkson published a horrifying column about Meghan, Duchess Sussex, in the Sun last December. Clarkson is an old disgusting man who has a violent and intense fixation on Meghan, similar to Piers Morgan. His Sun article was filled with vile, lurid images about Meghan being stripped and paraded in the street so that people could throw excrement on her. Clarkson wrote the column days after having a holiday meal with Camilla. Camilla's Office had nothing to say and Buckingham Palace said absolutely nothing - neither did they condemn Clarkson nor show support for the mother two of the King's grandchildren. We learned later that Clarkson sent an apology to Harry on Christmas Day.
There was a surprising amount of backlash surrounding the column. The Sun finally removed it from their online archives after widespread criticism of the tabloid. The Independent Press Standards Organisation, a vague clearinghouse that "regulates" UK print media, received thousands of complaints. IPSO has a reputation for being non-confrontational and toothless when it comes the hate speech and bile that is regularly published in British media. But this case was different - Clarkson’s column was too incendiary and there were too many people paying attention. IPSO gave Clarkson one of its biggest punishments:
The Independent Press Standards Organisation, the U.K. media watchdog (IPSO), upheld two complaints from women's right charities regarding Jeremy Clarkson’s December column about Meghan Markle in The Sun.
Variety has revealed that IPSO, after a lengthy process lasting months, found that the column of "Grand Tour's" host violated Clause 12 of its Editors' Code of Practice. This clause relates to the issue of discrimination. This is the first case in IPSO's nine-year history where a complaint was upheld on the basis sexism.
The Sun was ordered to post a summary in place of Clarkson's regular column in its print edition and to reference the ruling on the front page as well as the homepage for the next 24 hours. This is something that the tabloid hadn't had to do since 2016 when it was determined that its "Queen Backs Brexit' splash on the front page violated press regulations.
In an exclusive interview, IPSO CEO Charlotte Dewar said: "This is the strongest sanction we could impose on an individual complaint." It's not whether people are offended or dislike something; it's about whether the Editors' Code has been violated. We wanted to make it very clear what the complainants believed the article did in terms of violating the Editors' Code. Then, as fair procedure requires, we would get the publication’s response.
IPSO received over 25,100 complaints about Clarkson's article from the British public. This is an astounding figure, which broke the record of the most complaints received by an organization for an article. Amazon Prime Video distanced itself from Clarkson after reading the column, despite the success of his U.K.-produced original series, "Clarkson's Farm". As revealed first by Variety, Amazon Prime Video will not commission new programs featuring the former "Top Gear' presenter. Clarkson may have questioned this decision on social media, but sources say that the relationship has ended.
IPSO's ruling found that Clarkson made a "pejorative" and "prejudicial" comment about Markle's sexuality, which is in accordance with Clause 12. However, it did not uphold the other parts of the complaints that the article was inaccurate and harassed Markle, or included "discriminatory remarks to her on the basis of race".
[From Variety]
Variety's exclusive has more information about IPSO ruling. Although I am glad that something happened, and that Clarkson's vile column was acknowledged in some way, this response was mild more than six month after the offense. IPSO also refuses to acknowledge that the offense was racially motivated, instead focusing on the sexual violence in Clarkson's images and ignoring that Clarkson seems to believe that Meghan should be punished for being a Black woman AND a woman. The fact that it is the first time IPSO ordered punitive actions based on sexism... LOL. The sexist nonsense that appears in the British mainstream media is shocking.

Avalon Red Cover Images provided the photos.