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Wanda Sykes : Men are angry because they cannot say what they want.

Wanda Sykes : Men are angry because they cannot say what they want.

Last time I thought about Wanda Sykes was when she hosted the Oscars in 2022 and had some things to say regarding 'the Slap'. She is friends with Chris Rock, and described how she felt upset and "traumatized". It's obvious that I must side-eye anyone with Chris Rock as a friend, no matter how long ago they were friends. Wanda has just done a new interview with The Guardian in order to promote her Netflix special. Wanda has a refreshingly rational take on cancel culture for a comic. She shares her support for transgender people and how homophobia is more terrifying than being canceled.

Wanda Sykes, a comedian who has been compared to many of her peers in the industry, says that she's not worried about the cancel culture. The 59-year old comic explained in a recent interview with the Guardian that it simply means that people are held accountable for their decisions.

Sykes said, "To me the whole complaint against cancel culture is that a lot men -- particularly straight men -- are just pissed off because they can't speak anymore. "And you're not unable to say them. Now you can still say it, but there are consequences. That's why I said I couldn't be canceled. "Only God can say, 'Allright, Wanda. That's enough.

The Other Two's star isn't afraid to tackle hot-button topics. Sykes, in her Netflix special I'm an Entertainer for instance, addresses the transgender population, which other comics such as Dave Chappelle have been targeting with their jokes. She has a completely different approach.

During the special, she told the crowd: "I welcome all my trans sisters to the ladies' bathroom." "Maybe we'll do better, ya know?"

Sykes told the Guardian that she wants the community to "know that I am with them." I think it is important to let others know your position, especially after all the comments that have been made.

Sykes, who doesn't "fear" being taken down by the current cultural climate -- "It's knowing yourself and what you'll say and not say," she explained -- once worried that her career would be affected if she came out as a lesbian. Sykes came out as a lesbian in 2008, when she was 44. That year, she married her wife Alex and had twins aged 14 with her.

You don't want that little part of your mind occupied with: "Are they going to find out?" when you're on stage, trying to be funny. "What if I make a mistake?" she asked, referring to hiding her sexuality. "Now I am 100% there."


The comment "ladies room", in the special, is a reference to the disgusting things that can occur in women's bathrooms. In her latest comedy special, she mocks the disgusting hygiene violations that we have all seen. Wanda's comments on the cancel culture are absolutely correct. The male comedians of today have such thin skin and are unable to handle being called out by others for saying things that are racist, sexist or homophobic. They're upset that they can no longer punch someone without being called out. It's true that comedy should push boundaries. But when it becomes a way to ridicule vulnerable and marginalized groups, then it ceases to be funny. Wanda's being a Black gay woman may have influenced her approach to comedy. She has worked harder to reach where she is and knows what it feels like to be ridiculed for something she cannot change.

It used to, but I don't think it does anymore. When people complain, I remind them about the Hollywood Blacklist - an era from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s when anyone suspected of being communist in Hollywood could lose their jobs. Many people were blacklisted. Some people were actually communists. Others were simply blacklisted because they attended communist meetings during the 1930s. The blacklist was a direct attack on First Amendment rights and had devastating effects. John Garfield, an actor, was blacklisted for his wife's communist views. The stress of having to testify and lose his job contributed to his heart attack at 39. This is the cancel culture. Twitter is not a place to be called out for doing or saying truly vile stuff. Louis CK is not being stopped from producing or selling out comedy shows. Dave Chappelle is not stopping Dave Chappelle to win Grammys or perform at the Hollywood Bowl. These men, as Wanda said, are mad because there are now consequences. Even if the consequences are only temporary.

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Wanda Sykes : Men are angry because they cannot say what they want.

Wanda Sykes : Men are angry because they cannot say what they want.

Images courtesy of Instagram and Netflix