Yesterday was a landmark day in American legal history. Gwyneth Paltrow won her epic battle against Terry Sanderson. Sanderson, a retired optometrist blamed Paltrow (an actor who isn't retired) for injuries he allegedly sustained in a ski accident at Deer Valley Resort, Utah in 2016. Sanderson claimed Paltrow had crashed into him while he was skiing, but Paltrow said it was the opposite. Paltrow was convicted by the jury.
Sanderson claims that Paltrow's reckless ski caused him to collide with another skier, which left him with four broken bones, a concussion and permanent brain damage. This seems to be more damage than any speeding Paltrow could cause, unless Paltrow is wearing the Rescue armor in Avengers: Endgame. These injuries would not be possible under less realistic circumstances.
Sanderson testified that he heard Paltrow utter a "blood-curdling sound" before the impact. This was the type of sound Sanderson believed an "out of control" person might make when they are about to strike a tree or, presumably, an optometrist. CNN removed Sanderson's attempt to recreate the scream for jurors, which was not a successful effort. Although he did have one witness to support his claims, the story of that person seems to have changed over the years.
Paltrow had a different story. Paltrow claimed that she was calmly skiing when she noticed a pair ski tips coming up from behind her and between her skis, causing them to separate. She described a strange sound that came from her back, where she felt the body pressing against her skis. A ski instructor reported that the male skier was responsible for the accident. Paltrow was not hurt, except for the grunting. She resisted, saying that she didn't want to "acquiesc[e]" to a false claim.
After deliberating for a short time, the jurors voted in Paltrow's favour, saying that Sanderson was "100%" to blame. They gave her $1 as she requested.
Paltrow was seen looking over at Sanderson as she left the courtroom. Sanderson was still seated at his defense table. (She also touched his back lightly, which technically constitutes battery. Just saying. I can only guess that she said, "You'll regret crossing me, worm." Your world will be destroyed. Your world will burn.
Ah, and a man who was president for a time was also indicted.
Paltrow was awarded the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1999 for "Shakespeare in Love," in that her character murders an optometrist.