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Last Night in Soho: Digital and Blu-Ray Available January


Despite some initial handwringing that the ongoing pandemic will have forever changed theatrical moviegoing (it undeniably has) for the worse (that remains to be seen!), 2021 has shaped up to be a very respectable year for movies in general. After much of the 2020 line-up experienced numerous delays and lengthy dry spells, this past year in film largely adapted to this new climate that we find ourselves in -- we survived the great HBO Max day-and-date kerfuffle, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" served as a long-overdue return to theaters for much of the general public, and sprinkled throughout it all we received plenty of idiosyncratic, fascinating, and occasionally messy personal projects from established filmmakers.

"Last Night in Soho" was one such example of this, marking a turning point in director Edgar Wright's career from his usual brand of high-wire comedy to outright horror/psychological thriller territory. Upon wrapping up its theatrical run, Wright's latest will soon hit shelves on digital, Blu-ray, and 4K, where fans will be able to relive the frightening cautionary tale about the insidiousness of nostalgia as many times as they want. Check out all the details below.

On Blu-Ray And Digital This January


Did you miss "Last Night in Soho" while it was in theaters, or simply wish to revisit every sumptuous, period-accurate detail of the beauty (and grime) of 1960s London? Then here's some good news for you -- "Last Night in Soho" is coming to digital and 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD this coming January. The digital release date is set for January 4, 2022. Meanwhile, physical media enthusiasts will be able to pick up their copy of "Last Night in Soho" on 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD just two weeks later, on January 18, 2022. Thankfully, in a much welcome change from past releases for films such as "The French Dispatch," this one comes loaded with all sorts of special features, making-of featurettes, deleted scenes, feature commentary tracks, and much, much more.

The extras and special features for "Last Night in Soho" are as follows:

BONUS FEATURES on 4K UHD, BLU-RAY, DVD AND DIGITAL:MAKING OF FEATURETTES•MEET ELOISE – An in-depth look at the character of Eloise and the challenges that star Thomasin McKenzie faced while bringing her to life.•DREAMING OF SANDIE – A closer look at the characters of Sandie and Jack and why Anya Taylor-Joy and Matt Smith were the perfect actors to embody the essence of the time period.•SMOKE AND MIRRORS – The cast and crew break down how lighting, makeup, special effects, and creative camerawork came together to create a collision between the present day and 1960's time periods.•ON THE STREETS OF SOHO – The cast and crew discuss the importance of shooting on location in Soho and the complexity of transforming the city streets back in time.•TIME TRAVELLING – A look into how the music, costume design, and production design of the film work together to immerse the audience into the world of 1960's Soho.•DELETED SCENES•ANIMATICS--FIRST DREAM--SHADOW MEN--MURDER--FINAL CONFRONTATION•EXTRAS--HAIR & MAKEUP TESTS (available on 4K, BD and Digital only)--LIGHTING & VFX TESTS (available on 4K, BD and Digital only)--WIDE ANGLE WITNESS CAM--ACTON TOWN HALL STEADICAM REHEARSAL (available on 4K, BD and Digital only)•"DOWNTOWN" MUSIC VIDEO (available on 4K, BD and Digital only)•TRAILERS (available on 4K, BD and Digital only)•FEATURE COMMENTARY WITH DIRECTOR/CO-WRITER EDGAR WRIGHT, EDITOR PAUL MACHLISS AND COMPOSER STEVE PRICE•FEATURE COMMENTARY WITH DIRECTOR/CO-WRITER EDGAR WRIGHT AND CO-WRITER KRISTY WILSON-CAIRNS

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The post Last Night in Soho Comes to Digital and Blu-Ray in January appeared first on /Film.


By: Jeremy Mathai
Title: Last Night In Soho Comes To Digital And Blu-Ray In January
Sourced From: www.slashfilm.com/718387/last-night-in-soho-comes-to-digital-and-blu-ray-in-january/
Published Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:51:20 +0000

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