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Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Are you with me, or did the coronation paintings have the opposite impact from their intended effect? The portraits were meant to celebrate King Charles's "slimmed-down monarchy," which he had longed for, with only the Windsor clan's most important members in a position of honor. What we got instead was a bunch octogenarians and septuagenarians. We also had two lazy 40-year-olds. Even the most conservative royal commentators have been enraged by the staleness and paleness of the event.

The 74-year-old King is well known for his support of a smaller, cheaper monarchy. However, the picture also showed the potential difficulties that could arise, as all working royals, except four, are now over 70. The Prince and Princess Of Wales are under pressure to accept the majority of engagements, as the pool of working royals is shrinking.

Phil Dampier, a royal author, said today that there will be fewer working royals in the next decade. Any further cuts would leave them unable perform their daily duties. He told MailOnline that 'we have a slimmed-down monarchy by default, because Harry and Meghan are gone and Andrew is in disgrace. There is a problem now that most of the royals who are still working are over 70. William and Kate, Edward and Sophie are the only royals left until their children reach adulthood. For the next ten years, there will be a shortage in manpower and womanpower. Charles has never been in favor of bringing Beatrice and Eugenie on board to help out, as they are linked with their parents. We will have to accept the fact that we are no longer going to be able to count on 1,600 patrons like the Queen or Prince Philip.

Mr Dampier said that Queen Camilla may not welcome the idea of a long-distance royal tour. He said: 'Charles looks very fit, but I don't think the Queen would be thrilled with grueling overseas tours like those to Australia, New Zealand or the Caribbean. She hates flying and the heat, so she'll have a hard time at 75. The monarchy is already slimmed down. Let's not talk about further reducing it. Princess Anne stated this on Canadian television a few weeks ago. The institution's day-to-day work will be impossible if it is not cut back.

The Daily Mail

I enjoy that no one will acknowledge the truths about the Duke and the Duchess: that they would not have left if the Windsors treated Meghan and Harry well, protected them and loved them; that when the Sussexes said that they were "half in," their offer was rejected and ridiculed; and that the Sussexes won't be returning. William and Kate's laziness is also not acknowledged. There's a lot of panic because the Waleses are refusing to do anything more, despite the fact that they were instrumental in driving the charismatic Sussexes away out of racism and jealousy. Oh well!

Images courtesy of Avalon Red and Cover Images. Hugo Burnand shot the photos for Buckingham Palace.

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'

Dampier: 'There's a real problem, with most of the royals working over seventy years old'