Does it follow, then, that Michael Bloomberg's media empire will also support the Windsors? I'm beginning to wonder. Ashley Carman, Bloomberg's technology columnist/reporter has an exclusive on (what else?) the end of Duke and Duchess's Spotify agreement. Carman asked the same question I did: Why didn't Prince Harry produce a podcast at all? All week, people have been screamed at about how Meghan "only produced" one season of a successful podcast. They ignore the fact that Harry did nothing except for this one Christmas pod. We heard from industry sources that Harry, Meghan and their team pitched ideas to Spotify but they were rejected. Bill Simmons, a Spotify executive, called Harry and Meghan "f-king swindlers" and claimed that they had a meeting or call with Harry that went badly. Ashley Carman, a Bloomberg reporter, tried to find out what Harry had to say:
What happened to the Harry show that was rumored? I asked people who knew the situation what ideas Harry floated, and why they never came to fruition. The people requested anonymity as they were not authorized to talk about the prince's work. Spotify and Archewell Audio declined to comment.
Harry met with several producers and production companies, said these people, to discuss potential shows. Harry was open to other people's ideas, but he stayed true to his own. One of these was about childhood trauma. Harry would interview a series of controversial guests such as Vladimir Putin and Mark Zuckerberg about their formative years, and how they became the adults that they are today.
Harry had also a great idea for a series centered around fatherhood, according to the people. One would have dealt with major social issues episode by episode - from climate change and religion to other topics. Harry wanted Pope Francis to be a guest on the second show.
Some people within the Harry-podcast universe questioned the practicality of the ideas, as people like Putin or Zuckerberg seldom give extensive interviews on the topics that they are passionate about -- much less about their childhoods and upbringings. Harry never produced a podcast.
The fact that it took nearly three years to record a show and come up with a good idea speaks volumes about the content driven by celebrities.
Movie stars and other people who usually travel around the globe from project to project were left with less work. They were stuck at home, with lots of free time. For a time, many celebrities signed podcast deals, even if their idea wasn't concrete enough to be turned into a show. There were exceptions, like the SmartLess team, whose podcast is now a Max special. They also expected the same jumbo salaries that used to be reserved for films, commercials, and Las Vegas clubs appearances. This was not typical of the podcasting economy.
[From Bloomberg]
A pitch meeting has the advantage of bringing in big-name speakers to get people interested in your concept. A podcast where Harry interviews men on childhood trauma would be interesting, novel and perhaps groundbreaking. I'd imagine that it would be difficult to sell. That is why Harry, or "someone", started mentioning names of men who are well-known. If Harry wanted to interview Donald Trump, or Vladimir Putin I would eat my f****** hat. Please. Harry probably didn't want to be associated with Trump after what he said about Harry and his wife. Harry's pitches were lacking, to be honest. A podcast on fatherhood or a pod that focused each episode on "big issues" would have been great. Bloomberg sources claim that Harry didn't produce a podcast because he wanted pods to be about fatherhood, trauma, religion, and environmentalism. GASP! !

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