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Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has a complicated legal battle when it comes to his police security in the UK. In March 2020 the Sussexes lost their police protection, and now they have private security. Harry asked Ravec, the committee that decides who receives security, if Harry could have police protection whenever he returned to the UK and if the Met Police could just reimburse him for the cost. Harry's request triggered a long-running legal battle in which his offer and position were consistently misrepresented. It's not about "should Harry receive security paid by the British taxpayer", although I think he should. The fight is about A) whether Ravec misrepresented Harry’s offer, B), whether Harry can reimburse the police, and C) if he “deserves” security at all. Harry's legal case has already been decided in part. Harry did not win.

Prince Harry lost his legal battle to allow him to pay privately for police protection. After his security arrangements changed after he stopped being a working royal, his lawyers sought a judicial appeal of the decision to reject his offer to pay in the UK. A judge ruled that such an hearing would not be allowed.

Home Office lawyers were opposed to the idea that wealthy people could "buy" police security. The ruling was made after a court hearing that lasted one day in London, last week. Last week, Prince Harry's lawyers challenged at the High Court the decision that he and his family would not receive private funding to provide police protection when they visited the UK. Prince Harry questioned how the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (known as Ravec) reached this decision. Ravec is responsible for the security of high-profile figures including senior royals.

Prince Harry's attorneys had told the court that "Ravec exceeded its authority and power because it didn't have the right to make this decision at all." The lawyers argued there are provisions in legislation that allow payment for "special services" of the Metropolitan Police Service.

The Home Office stated that there was no requirement that the Ravec Committee allow Prince Harry the opportunity to make representations and that there were few chances of the decision changing.

The Home Office's attorneys told the court that "given the nature and arguments advanced by the claimant in this case, the court is confident that these representations were highly unlikely to have made any substantial difference."

[From BBC]

According to what I understand from the legal arguments, Harry wanted to learn more about Ravec. He also wanted to hold Ravec responsible for misrepresenting the offer to pay for police security. His lawyers sought a judicial hearing to review the decision to reject his offer to pay to cover protection in the UK. But the judge ruled against it. Harry went after Ravec, and the powers that be said "no more." It's clear Ravec was made up of royal courtiers and they were trying to cause harm and danger to Harry and Meghan. I would say that the same people still try to harm the Sussexes. I wonder if Harry's mind will change about Harry testifying personally in London next week. These people are really trying to harm him. Or worse.

Omid Scobie reports that Mr Justice Chamberlain denied permission to the Duke of Sussex for him to apply for a legal review in order to challenge the decision not to allow him to pay for his own private police security while in the country. Scobie says the battle for security isn't yet over, because "Harry already won the right for a full judicial appeal against the Home Office for the main decision denying him protective security." His lawyers may also appeal the ruling.

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Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

Prince Harry has lost a part of his lawsuit about paying the UK Police for his security.

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